October 22, 2024, 9:22 am

Mayors Congress 2016


December 5


Welcome speech

Moderator: Iryna Ozymok, LED Program Manager, Western NIS Enterprise Fund

Volodymyr Groysman – Prime Minister of Ukraine

Hennadiy Zubko – Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Services of Ukraine

Jaroslawa Johnson – President of Western NIS Enterprise Fund, Ukraine

Vitali Klychko – Mayor of Kyiv (video message), Ukraine

Panel discussion: Global trends and innovations in city development

Moderator: Pavlo Sheremeta, Breakthrough Strategy Center

Berry Vrbanovic – Mayor of Kitchener, Canada

Chris Goertzen – Mayor of Steinbach, President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, Canada

Meg Shields – Senior Corporate Management and Policy Consultant in the City of Toronto’s City Manager’s Office, Toronto, Canada

Krzysztof Piątkowski – Vice-prezident of Lodz, Poland

Danylo Bilak – Head of Investment Support Office, Ukraine

*Serhiy Koshman – Managing Director, Aspen Institute, Ukraine (special remark)


Berry Vrbanovic – Mayor of Kitchener, Canada

Jaroslawa Johnson – President of Western NIS Enterprise Fund, Ukraine

Ruslan Rokhov – Chairman of the Joint Efforts Agency, Founder of School of Mayors

Iryna Ozymok – LED Program Manager, Western NIS Enterprise Fund

Oleksandr Senkevych – Mayor of Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Visiting of exhibition “Opportunities for local development”

Panel discussion: Effective management at municipal level: tools, budgeting, teams

Moderator: Volodymyr Vorobey, Managing Director of PPV Knowledge Networks

Uliana Suprun – actin Minister of Health of Ukraine

Serhiy Marchenko – Deputy Minister of Finance, Ukraine

Ondřej Kolář – Mayor of 6 Municipal District Authority, Prague, Chech Republic

Andriy Sadovyy – Mayor of Lviv, Ukraine

Vadym Boychenko – Mayor of Mariupol, Ukraine

Presentation: Best Ukrainian practices

Transport development of Vinnytsya – Sergiy Morgunov, Mayor of Vinnutsya, Ukraine

Open Digital Dnipro – Janika Merulo, Deputy Mayor of Dnipro, Ukraine

Kyiv Case – Oleksiy Reznikov, Deputy Head of Kyiv City Administration, Ukraine

City online portal service “My Account Citizen” – Andriy Moskalenko, Deputy Mayor of Lviv, Ukraine

Complex of municipal services of Ukrainka – Pavlo Kozyrev, Mayor of Ukrainka, Ukraine

Informational campaign to change public consciousness about the relationship to energy and climate – Andriy Kyrchiv, Chairman of the Association of Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine


Panel discussion: Building partnerships at municipal level: local authorities, business and civil society

Moderator: Iryna Ozymok, LED Program Manager, Western NIS Enterprise Fund

Kadie Ward – Senior Governance Advisor, Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance (PLEDDG), Ukraine

Yuriy Bova – Mayor of Trostianets, Ukraine

Graham Meadows – Former Director General, Directorate of regional and urban development of the European Commission

Yuriy Filyuk – Teple Misto Project, Ivano–Frankivsk, Ukraine

Oleksandr Senkevych – Mayor of Mykolaiv, Ukraine

*Viola von Cramon-Taubadel – Politician, Germany (special remark)

Coffee break

Panel discussion: Empowering Cities: innovations, entrepreneurship, growth

Moderator: Roman Zinchenko, Co-founder, Greencubator

Nadia Vasilieva – General Manager, Microsoft Ukraine

Sergiy Franscishko – Vice-President of Business Development, MasterCard, Ukraine

Ruben Nieuwenhuis – Director at StartupAmsterdam, founder at CodeUur [Hour Of Code – The Netherlands] and DutchBasecamp, The Netherlands

Denis Gursky – SocialBoost, Ukraine

Coffee break

Panel discussion: ratings and indexes: making mayors’ performance efficient and accountable

Moderator: Ruslan Rokhov, Chairman of the Joint Efforts Agency, Founder of School of Mayors

Zilvinas Silenas – President of Free Market Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania

Andriy Bulakh – Managing Partner, Deloitte Ukraine

Inna Volosevych – Head of Social and Political Research Department, GfK, Ukraine

Mike Druckman – Country Director, International Republican Institute, Ukraine

Olga Andrienko-Bentz – Director, Strategy and Operations at PwC Consulting

Olexander Pochkun – Managing Partner, BAKER TILLY UKRAINE

Closing remarks


Olena Yuzkova, Business coach, certified management consultant


Jaroslawa Zelinsky Johnson

President and Chief Executive Officer, Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WN

Berry Vrbanovic

Mayor of Kitchener

Chris Goertzen

Mayor of Steinbach

Meg Shields

Senior Corporate Management and Policy Consultant in the City of Toron

Krzysztof Piątkowski

Vice-president of Lodz

Danylo Bilak

Director of Ukraine Investment Promotion Office

Serhiy Koshman

Managing Director of Aspen Institute

Pavlo Sheremeta

Founding Director of School of Public Management at Ukrainian Catholic

Andriy Sadovyi

Mayor of Lviv

Sergiy Marchenko

Deputy Minister of Finance

Vadym Boichenko

Mayor of Mariupol

Andriy Kyrchiv

Chairman of Association of Energy Efficient Cities

Volodymyr Vorobey

Managing Director, PPV Knowledge Networks

Kadie Ward

Senior Governance Advisor, Partnership for Local Economic Development

Yuriy Bova

Mayor of Trostyanets

All speakers



Russia has started a full-scale war with Ukraine.
They have already began their attack on Ukraine, all major cities are under fire, civilians are suffering. Please, Stand with Ukraine!
✅ HOW CAN YOU HELP? The most important thing you can do for Ukraine now is to READ and SHARE verified information about Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
🔹 President of Ukraine
Web: https://www.president.gov.ua/en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zelenskiy.official
🔹 Ukraine’s official social media accounts
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UkraineUA.MFA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ukraine.ua/
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✅ Help to defend Ukraine — donate to Ukraine’s main charity fund — https://savelife.in.ua/en/donate/
✅ Help to defend Ukraine — donate to the fund of the National Bank of Ukraine https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi
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